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Mazinde Day Secondary School Rep

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CommissioningReportMazinde Day Secondary schoolFunded by the riders and supportersof our 2023 London to Brighton ridePrepared by: Asia BonangaCamara Education Tanzania

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ContentsThis report will cover the following:• Project Overview• Project Beneficiaries• Installation & Networking• Server Configuration• Teacher Training• Leader & Student Training • Next Steps• Appendix

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The E-Learning Center installation at Mazinde Day Secondary School has been successfully established. It provides a fully equipped computer laboratory for digital learning, along with training and technical support to ensure the successful integration of technology into teaching and learning. Training sessions were conducted for both teachers and students.The school now plans to introduce Computer Studies classes for new Form One students. An ICT club has been set up for those keen to improve their technological literacy and spread their expertise among their peers. This marks a significant advance in educational opportunities at Mazinde Day Secondary School.1.Project Overview

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Project Beneficiaries2.Direct Beneficiaries - 356 StudentsA total of 330 students are enrolled in the ICS(computer studies) subject; the school only started to teach this course after the installation of the lab. In addition, 26 students from Form III have enrolled in the ICT Club.Indirect Beneficiaries - 300 StudentsOther classes have two sessions per week (each with 50 students) in the lab where they can benefit from the learning resources. The total number of beneficiaries between Form II and IV is 300.This year, students will sit for internal school exams in ICS, and by the end of next year they will have their first national ICS exam when they are in Form II.

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Installation & Networking3.Installation of the Learning Centre was carried out over five days,including:A local area network (LAN) with cabling, a network cabinetand network switch.Power supply to each desk, with Automatic Voltage Switches(AVS) to protect computers from electric surges or spikes.25 client computers and one classroom server connected tothe network.The network ensures that all computers can communicatewith the server in order to:Access educational content stored on the server. Access the internet once the switch in the lab is connected to a modem.Collect usage data on each of the computers connected to the network, which can be analysed to improve performance.

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Server ConfigurationA classroom server was set up to monitor and gather usagedata from client computers.The server also provides client computers access to offlineeducational materials in our education portal.The server synchronizes with our cloud server to send usagedata, monitor it remotely, and receive updates and upgradesfor the education portal.The server also offers classroom management services,allowing teachers to display their screen across all clientcomputers or manage other computers in the lab.Utilizing the Camara Edu portal on the server, we can trackthe usage of offline learning resources such as digital books,videos, notes and articles.Monthly reports based on this usage data will be shared withthe school management, enabling teachers to monitor theutilization of the resources they have uploaded on the portal.5.

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Before training, a baseline survey was conducted tounderstand teachers' skill levels and competencies, andidentify any skill gaps. Most teachers at Mazinde Day were confident in using acomputer, but they lacked the knowledge to use iteffectively in their teaching practice.We conducted a 15-hour training program for 23 teachersat the school, with 15 male and 8 female participants.The training program encompassed theoretical andpractical aspects of basic educational technology skills toenhance teachers' understanding of how ICT can beincorporated into teaching and learning.Throughout the training, questions were posed to gaugethe teachers' proficiency in ICT skills.Teacher Training 6.

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Teacher Training... The training covered in-depth technological andpedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as theprimary framework for integrating ICT in teachingand learning.We then focused on specific technical skills, fromcomputer basics to Microsoft Office (Word, Excel &PowerPoint) along with an introduction to theinternet and email for accessing online resources.Teachers were guided through the various offlineeducational materials stored on client computersand the Education portal available on the server.7.

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A training session was held for 12 school leaders, which included the principal, vice principal, school board chair and a parent representative.The main goal of the training was to educate them about educational technology (edTech) and how it could benefit their school. The training spanned three days, with each day consisting of 3-hour sessions. The initial training session concentrated on setting up and transforming a room into a computer facility, along with discussions on the school's four-year plan.Leadership Training8.

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The school leaders crafted the initial version of the school's edTech plan. This plan details the mission, vision and objectives of edTech use within the school, the activities they will implement to support it, and metrics to be used to evaluate its effectiveness. Everyone involved in the training pledged to support the integration and utilization of ICT in the school.The plan's final draft will be compiled by the head of the school and shared with Camara for follow-up and support. We will work with the school to support the implementation of this plan through our monitoring and evaluation.A key aspect of the plan involves engaging parents through meetings, where Camara will also participate in advocacy efforts aimed at parents.We will ensure the school prepares a new plan after the first 12 months, taking lessons from what they have accomplished in year one in order to maximise benefits for the next four years.Camara is committed to empowering school leaders to oversee all aspects of edTech within the school, from integration in teaching and learning to resource mobilization and evaluating its impact. This approach will help ensure the sustainability of the use of edTech within the school.Leadership Training9.

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We provide students with an understanding of the significance of ICT in their lives. The trainingconsisted of two sessions - the first covered theoretical aspects, while the second focused on hands-onpractice. During these sessions, students could engage with computer content, including the Camara portal,which offers a wide range of educational materials and various applications.Juma Hassan, a form two student, said, "The arrival of computers at our school is fascinating! They willprovide easier access to learning materials and equip us with vital ICT skills to benefit us in our futureendeavours. It's a fantastic opportunity for all of us students!"Student Training10.

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Camara will continue collaborating with the school to help them integrate ICT into teaching and learningthrough refresher training, maintenance and technical support. As the project proposal outlined, Camarawill continue working closely with the school for the next four years.As part of our monitoring and evaluation (M & E) activities, we will assess the implementation of theschool Edtech plan and other vital metrics such as the number of students enrolled in the ICT subject,ICT club activities and overall computer usage hours within the school.Next Steps11..

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Due to the tenacity of our London toBrighton riders, and the generosity oftheir supporters, Camara Tanzania hasbeen able to implement this project andhas already achieved remarkable successin enhancing ICT skills and edTechawareness among educators, schoolleaders and students. This couldn't havebeen done without your support. The establishment of the e-learningcentre and the various training sessionshave made a significant and lastingimpact on the school community.Camara will continue to work closelywith the school for the next four yearsto ensure lasting change and thesustainable integration of ICT in teachingand learning.Thank You!12..

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1. Album with more Photos from Mazinde Day Sec School2. London to Brighton Ride photosAppendix13..

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Camara Education TanzaniaBlock 3, Plot No 47,Engaruka St, Kurasini,PO Box 13484, Dar Es Salaam.Phone +255 758 396